About Pam Brayton

I’m an experienced writer and content creator residing in Washington County, New York, with a passion for the synergy of words and design.


My two favorite pursuits are learning and helping others. I am blessed to do both in my volunteer role as assistant producer of a podcast and in my stake communication calling.

I also love camping, kayaking, bicycling, and cooking with my husband, Sam.


I’m pleased with the content I’ve helped to create. This is a template I worked on with the podcast’s design team. Its purpose is to highlight creators who are not as well known as our podcast guests. It has become a very popular feature on our social media channels.


After high school, I attended BYU-Provo for two semesters and then married the missionary I’d waited for and turned my focus to our little family. In 2009, while my youngest child was in her high school senior year, I enrolled at the local community college and began to take classes that earned me an associate in arts degree in creative writing. Currently, I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in communication through BYU Pathway Worldwide, and loving every minute of it!


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